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PLEASE NOTE: All 5783 memberships were automatically renewed for 5784. Accordingly, current (5783) members, in lieu of completing this form below, please click here to make payment arrangements for your 5784 dues amount (after signing into your account). Alternatively, you can complete the form below to change your membership status. Anyone who was not a member in 5783 must, complete the online form or contact the office. As mentioned in our 5784 Membership Letter (5784 Membership Letter), you will not be assigned a minyan or a seat for the High Holidays until you have made payments arrangements for your 5784 membership (either via the website or by contacting the shul office). The shul’s policy is that no member will be turned away due to financial hardship. If you need to speak to someone regarding a special financial arrangement for your membership dues, please contact, Michael Perl - Vice President, Membership or Sheldon Aberman, K.I.N.S. President. NOTE: Full family memberships are subject to a $100 mandatory security fee and individual and associate memberships are subject to a $50 security fee that will be billed separately.
Enter Number of Extra Seats desired in each category for High Holidays:
Sun, October 13 2024 11 Tishrei 5785